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Girl Scout Raises Awareness of TPF

Girl Scout Raises Awareness of TPF

February 13, 2019
This girl scout has decided to make The Prosthetic Foundation a part of her service as a cadet. Show her some support by sharing this video and making a donation.We sure do appreciate the younger generation of people like
Furs Galore benefit our Amputee Fundraiser

Furs Galore benefit our Amputee Fundraiser

October 2, 2017
We appreciate the attendance of the Morris Kaye and Sons Furs and Fashion staff and their generosity to help raise awareness and funds for the under-served Amputee community! Proceeds benefit local amputees in need of prosthetics. Join us for this
Gold medal Paralympian hopes to bring sitting volleyball to San Antonio

Gold medal Paralympian hopes to bring sitting volleyball to San Antonio

February 25, 2017
This report is a highlight we want you to see. This is at the heart of our mission to bring mobility and independence to amputees across Texas. February 25, 2017 Express News Paper, San Antonio, TXKari Miller raised her hands high above
The National Diabetes Prevention Program

The National Diabetes Prevention Program

November 22, 2016
Taking the first steps to changing your health and your lifestyle is never easy. Giving up the things you are used to, even if they are bad for you. Donuts … so bad, yet so, so good. Trading an hour of
Surviving the Holidays

Surviving the Holidays

November 21, 2016
Here it comes – jingle bells are ringing – pretty much announcing the season of sugar and carbs. As someone who is now having to watch my sugar and carb intake, can I say I am terrified? I mean what’s a
New guidelines for physical activity from American Diabetes Association

New guidelines for physical activity from American Diabetes Association

October 22, 2016
The American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) recommendation for physical activity was initially every 90 minutes for a sedentary person to control blood glucose levels – however October 25, 2016 the ADA put out a press release stating changes to those recommendations. Studies have shown
Step on up. Counting steps to a healthy you.

Step on up. Counting steps to a healthy you.

October 21, 2016
It’s no secret that diet and exercise are big components to getting diabetes under control. Food is easy – well easier – because it’s literally in your face all day long. It’s really about making good choices with what’